Many factors contribute to suicide risk.
A combination of situations could lead someone to consider suicide. Risk factors increase the possibility of suicide, but they might not be signs of immediate danger or direct causes.
Previous suicide attempt
Mental illness, such as depression
Social isolation
Criminal problems
Financial problems
Impulsive or aggressive tendencies
Job problems or loss
Legal problems
Serious illness
Substance use disorder
Changes in eating and sleeping habits.
Difficulty thinking and concentrating.
Complaints of continued boredom.
Complaints of headaches, stomach aches, or fatigue with no actual physical problems.
Expressions of guilt and/or not allowing anyone to give him or her praise or rewards.
Running away from home or responsibilities
Adverse childhood experiences such as child abuse and neglect
Family history of suicide
Relationship problems such as a break-up, violence, or loss
Sexual violence
Barriers to health care
Cultural and religious beliefs
Suicide contagion in the community
Stigma associated with mental illness or help-seeking
Easy access to lethal means among people at risk (e.g. firearms, medications)
Media portrayals of suicide
Risk Factors Can Also Vary Across Groups (contributed by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center)
Risk factors can vary by age group, culture, sex, and other characteristics. For example:
Stress resulting from prejudice and discrimination (family rejection, bullying, violence) is a known risk factor for suicide attempts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth.
The historical trauma suffered by American Indians and Alaska Natives (resettlement, destruction of cultures and economies) contributes to the high suicide rate in this population.
For men in the middle years, stressors that challenge traditional male roles, such as unemployment and divorce, have been identified as important risk factors.
Please note : High risk for suicide, whether for individuals or communities, is usually found in a combination or “constellation” of multiple risk factors
If you feel there is imminent danger ... please call 911, 988 or go to the hospital emergency room