What to do After a Suicide or Loss from a Suicide? 

As someone who has lost a loved one to suicide, you are facing a difficult time mourning this sudden loss and trying to understand what happened. You are suddenly on a journey you never planned to take. You will probably feel a wide range of emotions and you should give yourself permission to feel those emotions.  Know there is no one way to grieve and no two people grieve the same way, you will need time and support to help you during this difficult time.  

Tool Kits

Toolkit for people who have been impacted by a suicide attempt > The Mental Health Commission of Canada (2018)

Toolkit for people who have been impacted by a suicide loss > Mental Health Commission of Canada (2017) 

Guides and Articles

Books (press link) 

If you feel there is imminent  danger ... please call 911, 988 or go to the hospital emergency room