How Can I Help Myself Stay Safe?
If you are having thoughts of suicide, talk to someone quickly, and remember you are not alone. Reaching out for help and knowing where to go for positive support can keep you and others safe.
Seeking help is the First Step
Talk to a trusted family member or friend and have them stay with you
Call 988 suicide crisis help line
Call a crisis help line 24/7 1-855-242-3310 or crisis intervention at 705 675-4760
Seek support from a mental health professional/organization such as the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA)
Talk to your family doctor who may be able to refer you to appropriate services
Distract yourself with your favourite things
Develop a safety plan and keep it somewhere you can see or find it easily
Think of things that have helped in the past
Talk to someone that has “been there”
Have a safe place where you feel like no one can harm you and you will not harm yourself
Focus on Self Care
Eat a healthy diet
Get some exercise everyday
Get a good night’s sleep
Decrease or stop the use of alcohol and drugs (these can make feelings of depression and suicide worse.)
Stay involved or get involved with activities you enjoy
Surround yourself with positive people and healthy relationships
Get involved with helping others
Journal your experiences
Maintain Structure and Routine
Wake up at a regular time
Have a regular bed time
Have planned activities in your day
Continue to go to work or school
Set small, manageable goals for your day
If you feel that you are in danger now...please call 911, 988n or go to the hospital emergency room